Friday, January 1, 2010

New year New Blog

The New year means new beginnings for many people. Some make resolutions and keep them and others break them without a second thought. For me this year 2010 means not a new beginning but desire to follow the path I started. I set some goals for myself over the last few years and as life tends to do I put many of them on hold for things that really dont mean a whole lot to me, my life, my family or friends.

This is going to be the year that I conquer my goals I face my fears and I begin to live my life the way I have always envisioned it and this blog is my way to hold myself accountable and if I cant then you can call me on it.

My goals for this New year is that by the time the ball drops and we are all celebrating 2011 I will have the confidence, experience, client base and satisfaction to call myself a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER.

As I continue to post on this blog I will share with you the steps I am taking to develop into the career that I have always dreamed.

Here is the first photo I took of the new year. It is overlooking the Sydney Opera house and it was a truly amazing night! Thanks to my friends who invited us to ring in the new years with them and giving my the opportunity to follow my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Brad! I'm so proud to be your first follower. AMAZING photo. I'm so glad we could share the night with you and be a part of kick starting your goals for 2010! X Bel
