Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just manifest it

Wow so what a full on year so far. Its really funny how when you put yourself out there how fast things can happen and come together for you. After my first post and coming to the conclusion that if I really do want to become a professional photographer I have to get off my ass, push my own limits and work hard I have scheduled 2 photo shoots this month and a session to teach someone how to use there DSLR. Between working for lululemon athletica and being a photographer I have barely had a moment to sit back and enjoy a glass of wine with my amazing wife. I say barely because I think you can always squeeze in a good glass when needed.

My first big photo shoot of the year was in Byron Bay, I was asked to fly up and take some shots of a home business. The job was to take shots of Byron, the home and the owners doing what they do best, YOGA! Aya Kato and her partner Brent Verco are creating a home stay for Japanese tourists. They are providing room, board, Australian culture and hospitality, private yoga classes and a truly blissed out relaxing vacation. My wife / assistant (yup I made her carry my bags) and I may not be Japanese but we were honored to be there first guests. The house was an easy subject as the back yard resembles a mini rain forest with a patio perfect for evening drinks and morning yoga and just a 5 min walk to a secluded beach that seems endless. The beach was a perfect place to take a few yoga shots. We made sure to take in amazing sunrise's and sunsets creating a few personal memories while capturing and filling a few memory cards.

This was truly a amazing opportunity for me to learn, grow, understand and relax. I am looking forward to seeing just where my next photo shoot will take me and what adventures are awaiting me over this next year. Its all so amazing what happens when you tell the world what you are going to do with your life.

Please visit if you are looking for a great people and a truly amazing place to stay.

1 comment:

  1. Brad, I've seen some of the photos and they are amazing! Byron is just the spot to get back to basics, relax and recharge. Keep putting your goals out there and following your dreams - you are and will be great. X Bel
