Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Beginning:

We arrived at the Maroubra Skatepark in Sydney and it was a cool rainy overcast day. I set up my Canon Rebel Xti, with a 50mm f1.8 and a Canon 430 ex II Speed lite. I normally would not us a flash on a day like this but I wanted to try and fill in the face of our skater (Mitch Faber). I jumped down and started snapping away not even thinking about what settings my flash was on. As you can see... there is a little to much fill. lol This shot was taken @ 1/640, f3.2.

Now Im not going to discuss be prepared for a shot or explain what I had running through my head when I set up for this shot. No what I am going to write about is deleting those shots that you think are worthless and will never be used for anything.

Now when I got to uploading the photos I started scanning through the shots, it went a little like what the heck was I doing....oh that ones alright... wow that look sweet... good... good ... blah blah blah. I started my processing from the end of the shoot to the beginning, as I worked my way to the start I came to this shot way over exposed I immediately thought DELETE. But then for some reason I thought well lets just see what I can save in it. I began playing in Camera Raw (the window that opens between Bridge and Photoshop). I adjust the exposure, played with the contrast, saturation, and sharpness. Then I tried a tool I never use, the adjustment brush. I was a little confused at the beginning but once I figured it out I was having a blast and finding some new inspiration as I was creating something that was way out of my normal relm. After playing for a while I finally opened with photoshop and fixed a few areas that just need some touch up with the healing brush.

The End:

I learned a valuable lesson do not throw anything away until you are sure it is not something you can use because not every work of art is achieved with out a little work.

So the next time your about to delete that shot you are not satisfied with, keep it for a rainy day and turn it into something you can be proud of.


  1. Cool shot Brad - I envy your commitment to playing around with stuff in photoshop. I tend to get too frustrated with not knowing how to do stuff and give up. One of these days I will persevere with it! X Bel

  2. Great post! I end up keeping loads of stuff that I am not particularly pleased with. It's great to then rediscover stuff further down the line and realise that actually they are not so bad and can be turned into something special after all!

  3. Great photos! Actually, I like both of them! The first one is a little blown out, but has a dramatic effect. The second one is definitely more artsy! I think both deserve to be praised.
